Dragonskull presents the biography of Dan Baines, proprietor of the Lebanon Circle Magic Co.

Dan Baines
Lebanon Circle

At 31 Dan hardly has a magic career forged in the mists of time but over the last few years Lebanon Circle has been causing quite a stir the Bizarre Magic community.  His effects have sold worldwide and have been performed by magicians on TV in the USA and Europe.

“I originally wanted to be a sculptor or illustrator, from an early age I was producing artwork that stood out from the crowd.  My final exam piece, a sculpture made entirely of animal bones and raven feathers was controversial but got me the A grade I needed to get in to art college.  I was a true Goth adolescent, long black hair, bad skin and an interest in anything strange.  I’m not sure what happened next.  After 6 months at Art College I joined the Royal Navy, swapped my long blue/black hair for a beret and ended up working in intelligence.  I was decorated for my service in Bosnia and spent the last 3 years in the 1st Patrol Boat Squadron.

I left in 8 years later to go back into education where I left after 4 years with a 1st class degree in audio and electronics.  The interest in magic began here.  It wasn’t the performance that interested me, it was the ‘how the hell is that done?!’  I read magic books, watched magic, read more books and watched more until I partially satisfied my curiosity.  It wasn’t long before I was thinking of ideas for new effects and variations of old routines.  I started selling building plans for effects on EBay, they also came supplied with routines.  People loved the products but some didn’t have the skills to build them so they asked me and things took off from there.  I now build them at home (which looks more like a Victorian magic workshop than a home) most evenings to keep up with demand.  My effects encapsulate all of the skills I have gathered over the years from art & design to electronics.  My intelligence background also assures other fellow magicians that I can be trusted with a secret!”

Dan now lives and works in central London and builds his effects to order in his spare time.  When he’s not dabbling in the world of gruesome crime or séance magic he’ll be hang gliding, fiddling with synthesizers or spending time with his son and friends.

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